Sunday, December 16, 2012

Final Analytical Memo

After reviewing all of the prospective businesses, the companies that I would invest in would be Natalie’s website on Student Debt, Alex’s on Caribbean baseball and the site. I think the reason these ideas would be successful is because there is a hole in the market for them. I really liked that Natalie took her own experiences of student debt and realized that every college student is in the same boat as her. Being able to go to her site to find where the best financial aid is and making the financial statistics an “easy-read” guide in a way would be extremely helpful to students who have no idea what to expect in the long-run. Another idea that was extremely creative was the Caribbean baseball. Although I am not a huge sports fan, I thought the idea was interesting when it came to following teams outside of the U.S. and giving the public some different info to follow during the off-season. I think that by following a different nation and culture would be really interesting. Finally, seemed to be beneficial to those college freshmen that have entered the “real world” on their own and may be in need of some assistance. Providing recipes I thought was a very good idea, especially for the guys, along with any other useful info that could help a college freshman survive their first academic year. I think this site would gain a lot of hits as long as it served to what college tips were needed. The only thing I would be hesitant on is the title. As other investors spoke to this, there may be some backlash from feminists who don’t want to be seen as the “mom” that is responsible for all the cooking and cleaning etc.  All three of these sites provide info that is unavailable on any other platform and I think would be the most successful when it comes to building an entrepreneurial empire. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


You can find my powerpoint for here on my WordPress blog.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Commercials and Public Broadcast

I found it really interesting how the at one point in time a sponsor was only allowed abut 5 seconds to disclose they supported the current show on television and how quickly that jumped to having 5 seconds to 20 seconds to not only support the program but to sell themselves. For instance when we talked about Coca-Cola in class and when they went from supporting the show as a sponsor to then selling their new latest and greatest flavor. The world of television is always an interesting one.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Independent Media

I've really enjoyed learning more about the world of independent media and what it really means for a company or business to declare themselves as independent. This class has not only explored the important journalistic aspects of topics that were reported on, but also from a business standpoint at how these companies bring in their revenue, remain popular with the public and therefore sustaining successfulness. The class has made me think what I could personally do when it comes to a journalism start-up that may just be "the next big thing." I've also found it interesting to be able to look at a website and to pick it apart and see what works well for the consumer/ audience or what needs improvement. A lot of it has to do with how visually pleasing the site is to someone and how easy it is to navigate and use properly. This class overall has really instilled a business savy mind in me to always be on the lookout for potential "homerunners" when it comes to an idea that might change the Internet.

A Checklist for Becoming Entrepreneurially Successful

I really like the checklist that Adam Westbrook provided in how to successfully launch a journalism start-up idea. If we remember to ask ourselves these questions I think it will definitely save a lot of time in terms of how quickly the idea will launch, as well as the target audience that it is intended to reach. They're simple questions to ask that we may not have thought of otherwise and what most people probably accidentally overlook. In a world where there is so much citizen competition for Internet space and popularity, this list may be what sets your start-up apart from others, hopefully bringing in more money in a quicker amount of time.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Net Neutrality

I think that although there are pros and cons to each side of the issue between Google, Verizon and the FCC, there should be some kind of net neutrality enforced so there is a watchdog on all matters. Although the FCC might play a limited role in this position I think it would be better if a third party stepped in from time to time and not relying solely on self-regulation. Check out the article for net neutrality here.

America's Broadband Infrastructure

Wow! The next time you are sitting cursing at your computer because it won't connect to the Internet, take a look at this! I really like how this article takes a global perspective when looking at the world's internet speeds and comparing them, and guess who's pretty low on the totem pole-- the U.S. What a statistic that even after President Obama spends billions of dollars on increasing our broadband system that it is still estimated to take up to 15 years before we would catch up to South Korea. With so many people connecting with friends and family via the Internet and with all the new video chat programs making global connections easier, it is an essential that we continue to make broadband a priority so that not only can we stay connected but so that we can "hold our own with the rest of the industrialized world," Sam Gustin said.

Building A Company of My Own

I wasn't sure how promising of an idea it would be, trying to start-up "my own" company from scratch. I don't know much, if anything about the world of business and it seems pretty intimidating. What I did like though, was the article Entrepreneurial Lessons- from BuzzMachine. It was a step-by-step process about what students were taught to do and learn in order to create their own companies. How to propose a proper pitch using a certain number of words so that you don't lose your target audience, all the way to marketing strategies and enforcing journalism and its principles in the business world. I think it is extremely important to learn some of these skills, especially in this profession. It is necessary not only because of the kind of world we live in today but also because of that we need to become extra creative in today's world. Using the Internet to its full potential and creating companies that are ingenious to the field. It is tough to come up with the idea, but once you have it all the tools become available at your disposal and you might become the next millionaire!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Mayhill Fowler

I think Mayhill Fowler is one of the few good citizen journalists, making a contribution to this society and profession. Citizen journalism in itself is tricky because of sourcing and fact-checking and you never really know how accurate a person's account on something is. But I like Fowler because she describes herself as an amateur Web Journalist and an ordinary person who happened to get former President Bill Clinton's words for Vanity Fair writer, Todd Purdum on tape. I think that there are pros and cons about the way she went about getting her interview and she most certainly didn't obtain her info the "regular" journalistic way, however, nonetheless it was still groundbreaking info.,0,7613904,full.story

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Obsessiveness with New Media

I think Arianna Huffington said it best when she stated that "the greatest thing internet users can bring to the world is our obsessiveness." She also compared how mainstream media suffers from attention- deficit disorder, while new media users suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder. A comparison that doesn't seem too far off. I think that because of the internet our world has been able to express so much more opinion and contribute in ways we never would have thought possible. Just think about the riots in Egypt and if it weren't for the internet and social media we never would have seen nor been able to help others when the government was trying to cut them off. Huffington is right when she says that obsessiveness is the strength of online news. Also, when she says that President Barack Obama probably wouldn't have been elected if it weren't for the internet era. Because of the advanced freedom of speech we are able to engage in through cyberspace, as a society we are much more connected to others globally and are able to utilize our privilege in ways that weren't possible for the mainstream media way back when.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Wanna Share Ear Buds?

An interesting concept that the movie screen is in your pocket instead of in a theater. Although, I personally would rather experience a new movie inside a theater, it is quite an inventive idea to release your movie to Apple and create that "date night" experience, all from the pictures and sounds on your phone....or computer. I can see why some directors or in this case Edward Burns would want to try to navigate straight into the digital world instead of facing others as competition and not to mention saving money from the movie making industry...but how big could sales really be if you take this route? I think it is a creative venture that definitely has its pros and cons, but personally I'll be in line with my soda and popcorn following those little white lights down the aisle to my seat.,0,1112942.story

YouTube's Pulling in the Dough $$$

I knew that people could make money from becoming one hit wonders on the Internet, but what I didn't know was how much money one could actually make, all from being 'silly' as Michael Buckley says. I was shocked to see that one person, out of the convenience of their home is raking in so much money that not only could he quit his daytime job, but has also managed to clear himself of credit card debt. YouTube is one of my favorite sites to visit, with such easy access to videos to watch at your convenience and of course the "Internet sensations" that seem to go viral all the time. It makes me want to start could I be a YouTube sensation??

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Who's Controlling My Internet Freedom!?

What an article! Not only did I not know about certain "messages" being covered up by certain companies but I also didn't realize how often this kind of censorship occurs. I would definitely be one of those people saying "no" if the company wanted to control what I receive and read. However, I am not surprised that again it all comes down to money. Who has the biggest dollar and biggest voice to call the shots. As we go further and further into the Internet age we should remember to keep a close eye on our personal media and carriers and make sure no one is in control of us but OURSELVES!

Legal & College Insurrection

I really like the format of both websites. The first thing I noticed on the "Legal" website was the fact that pretty much every post was accompanied by a photo or video. I think this really helps engage the reader so that the content doesn't seem dull and overwhelming. Although I don't have an interest for politics whatsoever I do find these sites both easy to use and interesting when it comes to involving the masses. Because of sites like these I am starting to see how business savy the blogosphere can become and how to properly utilize it.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

1,000 True Fans

When reading the headline I had no idea what an ingenious topic this title would cover. It's not 1,000 true fans at a baseball game or 1,000 true fans at a's 1,000 people who could help YOU make your living.  This is not all that the site "KK" has to offer. There are tons of links to pretty much anything and everything you could ever want to know about or search. KK*....Street food trucks...who knew?

Making Lots of $$$ Blogging!?

I can't BELIEVE the amount of revenue that websites like Perez Hilton and icanhascheezburger make A MONTH! When I first went through the slideshow on Business Week I thought it was crazy enough that someone could devote their entire website to anything and everything. Imagine going to a job that includes all your favorite hobbies, pictures and celebrities and let's not forget it IS a job. Perez Hilton reportedly makes 111,000 a month based on ads and web traffic, icanhascheezburger makes 5,600/month...... and they say you have to love what you do. How can you not when your working from home and posting pictures with captions all day. To me I think it is great if you can find a site unique enough to attract readership but to call that your life's occupation doesn't seem real. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

George Seldes Leaves a Legacy of Courage

I hadn't heard much about George Seldes before, but after reading the legacy he left for journalists to follow, he really was a pioneer for the free flow of information. Perhaps one of his strongest stories has to be his reporting on the dangers of cigarette smoke and warning the people of the side effects. What I also learned about his work is that he wasn't afraid to be independent, especially when it came to reporting about the war and fascism. It's journalists like Seldes that show us to enforce courage, bravery and confidence, no matter what the topic is, how important it is to always seek and report the truth.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Voices of Revolution Part 2

Already about halfway into the book and to be expected it keeps getting better! This time around my favorite article was a tie between Ida B. Wells and her movement for anti-lynching and Margaret Sanger and her dedication to providing women with options, such as birth control.

Starting with Ida B. Wells and her commitment to Free Speech was truly the start of something positive to come. I can't help but to think how could people have thought the way they did back then and to act so cruel? Wells was far beyond her time and my favorite quote from her was, "there is only one thing left that we can do; leave a town which will neither protect our lives and property, nor give us a fair trial in the courts, but takes us out and murders us in cold blood." The quote describes to a tee what life was really like and as the reader I can feel that cold chill that was meant to strike a chord. The picture from Voices of Revolution on page 91 is particularly disturbing. As the public can stand there and watch in joy of what they have done to an innocent life.

Black Migration was also interesting when reading how eager activists were to get African Americans to move to North and become employed. I really enjoyed reading that after WWI, when the soldiers came back to claim their jobs they had already been taking by the African Americans from the South and they weren't ready to give them back.

I think that Margaret Sanger and birth control go hand in hand with the chapter on "Free Love." It takes a strong person to not only stand up for what is right but to do so when almost everyone is against you. Thankfully because of Sanger women can have the right to control their bodies in the way in which they want and know that they have options, which can ultimately help preserve their health in the long-run. When it comes to controlling your own body you should also be able to change romantic partners is you wish to do so and basically follow YOUR OWN feelings.

It amazes me that out of so many people that lived during this era only a few were willing to stand up for the rights of others and had the courage and mentality to do so. How could only so few people know what was morally right and do something about it? It's a shame what others had to suffer and go through at our expense but if it weren't for the brave few the absurdity and horrific acts would have gone on a lot longer. This book is a wonderful in-depth look at each courageous warrior of journalism that changed the world for the better.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Voices of Revolution: Part 1

When I first bought the book Voices of Revolution: The Dissident Press in America by Roger Streitmatter, I wasn't sure if it was going to be something I would enjoy and willing want to read. However, that feeling changed after I had finished the first reading on the American Labor Press and then the second and third being The Liberator and Women's  Rights. The part that really struck me the most was the depth that each chapter covered. I had of course known about abolitionist movements and pamphlets, as well as women's rights, but the book really went farther into each topic than any history book I had ever read or touched upon in earlier education. What I found most important and striking from each chapter are as follows:

American Labor-- "A law that makes poverty a crime and a poor man a felon, after those very laws have made poverty inevitable, is not only cruel and oppressive, but absurd."-- William Heighton
If it was not for Heighton's Mechanic's Free Press, the push for shorter workdays, reduced child labor, state-supported schools and abolishing imprisonment for debt would not have been acknowledged or changed.

Slavery-- William Lloyd Garrisons' The Liberator, was one of my favorites to read about. I still cannot believe what African Americans had to endure back then and how society's mind actually functioned in such a discriminatory way and for what reason? If I could commend Garrison it would be for his journalistic approaches, particularly his idea to write about Lovejoy's murder and inform the people of their wrongdoing. Without the bravery and commitment of this dissident journalist's writings the Abolitionist Movement would have been severely delayed. If only slavery could have been abolished earlier with what we know now from what we thought we knew then.....if only.

Women's Rights-- Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a pioneer for women's rights along with the numerous others that stood up for what was right at The Seneca Fall Convention. The Revolution, was just that when it came to change for women. Whether it was in the workplace or the civil rights that they should be entitled to, it all stemmed from Stanton's journalistic form.

In my opinion, it it weren't for the dissident journalists and their personal characteristics, the most prominent being devotion, who knows what our history would have been and who knows what our present and future would be like now. I don't know if I could have been as bold and brave of a journalist as they were, each fighting for a great cause, but it is this kind of journalism that is something us newcomers can learn from especially when it comes to dedication on your subject or beat.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Bearing Witness 2.0: You Can't Spin 10,000 Tweets & Camera Phone Uploads

An interesting article on how China feels the need to cordially invite "eyewitness" journalists but tries to exile new media that takes place online or through cellular devices. It's a valid statement to make that there is a huge difference when writing a story whether or not you were actually at the scene in person or your evidence comes from a technological device. However, what isn't valid is to think that there is only one form of reporting when it comes to journalism. You may not always have to be live and in person to get a message across and that is what phones, the Internet, and social media does. I especially like the end quote when she says, "New media is not replacing the need to "bear witness," it is spreading it beyond the elite few, and therefore making it harder for those elite few to get it as wrong as they've gotten it again and again -- from Stalin's Russia to Bush's Iraq."

Sunday, September 23, 2012

As Web Challenges French Leaders, They Push Back

In the article As Web Challenges French Leaders, They Push Back, it's an interesting article, yet not a surprising topic all at once. The facts are interesting but as far as the story line it's almost a no-brainer. When you make obscene gestures or do something "on the edge" how can you not expect it to end up on the web and you then become the target for criticism. Nonetheless it makes for good entertainment and I enjoyed every minute of this video from class!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New Technology, New Voices

Once I had read the article New Technology, New Voices it made me realize how much of a phenomena cell phone usage is globally. In the United States we think of our cell phones primarily for recreational use, although much more in a job-friendly manner if you're a journalist but nonetheless not in the way cell phone coverage is happening outside of this country. The snap of a picture or a recording of voices can tell the whole story. That's what came to Egypt and Burma's rescue when it came to torture, abuse and inequality of rights. Just by Journalists using their cell phones to capture moments in time are what create the ability to enforce permanent change. In Egypt officers were prosecuted for torturing a minivan driver. Other areas like Kuwait used this "mobile democracy" to organize rallies  women to have the  right to vote. It is a sensational, instantaneous way to "reach" the masses and "grab" the change in history. New Technology, New Voices

Sunday, September 16, 2012


I was really impressed when I took a look at ProPublica for the first time last week. It was similar to most of the other websites we've taken a look at, yet in certain ways very different, very clever. I personally thought it was a good idea to incorporate a "donate" button throughout the webpage, occurring at least 3 times, from the top all the way down to the bottom. I also thought the MuckReads section was a nice touch for citizens to learn what other people are doing and who is watching them and taking notes on it...aka the journalists. However, what I found most interesting about the site from class were the revenue streams that ProPublica relies on: funding by big foundations and small donors from the donation button throughout the site. I'll definitely be keeping my eye on this one.

Monday, September 10, 2012

News 21

News 21 definitely caught my eye when my browser first opened the page. I was impressed automatically with the choice of layout they chose to use. It's clear, bold and easy for the eyes to navigate through. For being a student-run site I give them credit for the professionalism the site exemplifies, however, in some ways I feel that  it's a bit bare. I also think the use of more graphics would help fill some empty space and add to the creativity. Overall, it looks very reputable and a site that could potentially keep growing in popularity.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Amy Goodman's Speech

WOW. After watching and listening to Amy Goodman's points all I could think of was how much I wasn't aware of every point and topic she was covering. How is it that CNN (U.S) can't show the masses of the horrific acts happening as a result of war. Not only are children being affected, but it's their families, friends and homes. Why is CNN International more understanding about the need to see what is happening, about being transparent, showing a split screen of direct cause and effect relationships? By the end of the video I was an awe of how much research and knowledge Ms. Goodman possessed on the issue of ending war. If only people could visually see the effect of war on people and children, Ms. Goodman predicted that in a week we could eradicate war. It's astonishing that after all we do know and see, that a bigger change isn't being made. That the media/news should be challenged as Goodman says. We can't keep letting news coverage and reporting dwindle so that their reputation is even further tarnished. We need to examine all media coverage world-wide and realize that  what the news is showing us may not be what is actually "seen" from our perspective. That something bigger or badder is at stake.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Creating a blog for the first time and it's a little intimidating. Hoping I'll get the hang of it sooner rather than later.